The First Conference
“Forest for People” will take place in Alpbach, Tyrol/Austria May 22-24, 2012
The conference is one
important part of the new strategy of the International Union of Forest Research
Organizations (IUFRO). The aim of this conference is to build a systematic body of knowledge about “forest for people” and its various
facets, including possible future trends and challenges.
This conference and the
following up process wants to integrate not only the knowledge across all divisions but include
the knowledge
outside IUFRO.
The main themes of the
conference are:
Livelihoods — issues of agro-forestry, food security,
fuels, poverty
alleviation, and human dislocation
Health, Recreation and
Tourism — issues of human
health, recreation
and nature-based tourism
Urban and Rural
Landscapes — issues of
ecosystem services,
economic benefit and development, spaces and places for living
Culture and Education —
issues of perceptions of forests, spiritual character, education, historical tradition and
practice, communication
and governance
The conference is
addressed to forest managers, scientists, science administrators, policy makers and the
interested public audience.
The IUFRO conference is
organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna , Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure
Sciences, Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation
Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pröbstl
Peter-Jordanstr.65, A-1180 Wien
For more information
about the Conference
„Forest for
people“ please contact
Tel.: +43 1
Fax: +43 1